Featured Recipe
By Wendi Lichwiarz
1 bag hashbrowned potatoes (about 4 cups fresh, I use Simply Potatoes) 1 large yellow onion, diced 1 lb ground sausage (I use Jimmy Dean, always) 1 pkg shredded cheese (2 cups, Cheddar &/or Monterey Jack for spicy) 6 eggs, beaten in medium bowl 1 cup milk 1 tsp ea dried, basil & garlic powder ½ tsp ea chili powder & cumin Sprinkle of cayenne (more if you want it spicier) Salt & Pepper (about ½ tsp of each or to taste)
In a large frying pan, brown the sausage. Take out the meat with slotted spoon when done to reserve the grease. Put in a bowl and set aside. In the same frying pan, add the onions and cook till translucent. Take them out with a slotted spoon and put in other bowl with the sausage. Add the grated potatoes to the grease (fresh or packaged) and cook on medium until browned on one side, then flip and brown on the other. While the potatoes are cooking, in a medium bowl, beat the eggs and milk and add all spices and herbs. Once the potatoes are browned, add the sausage and onions, mix. Then, add the egg mixture being sure to continue stirring and flipping so everything will combine and cook as well. Add about ½ of the cheese and continue to combine until everything looks to be done (the eggs primarily). Remove from stove. Sprinkle cheese on top and let it melt and then serve. Real good with sour cream, pico de gallo, chopped cilantro and even chopped bacon if you want the heart attack on a plate special.